Posts in Advertising
CLICKS AND GIGGLES: Navigating the Social Media Ad-venture for Small Biz Success!

As a small business owner, you might be wondering how to make the most of your advertising budget to reach the widest audience. Fear not, because we've got the scoop on social media advertising strategies that are not only effective but also budget-friendly. In this in-depth guide, we'll walk you through the ins and outs of running paid advertising campaigns on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Get ready to elevate your business's online presence and watch the magic unfold!

Setting the Stage
Understanding Your Audience. Before you dive into the world of social media advertising, it's crucial to know your audience. Who are your ideal customers? What are their interests, demographics, and online behaviors? Platforms like Facebook provide detailed audience targeting options, allowing you to reach the right people with your message. Tailoring your ads to specific demographics ensures that your marketing efforts aren't just seen but are seen by the right eyes.

Crafting Captivating Content
Picture this: your potential customer is scrolling through their Facebook feed and your ad pops up. What's going to make them stop and take notice? Compelling visuals, engaging copy and a clear call-to-action are essential ingredients for a successful social media ad. Don't just sell a product; tell a story that resonates with your audience. Whether it's a behind-the-scenes look at your business or a special promotion, make sure your content stands out.

Budgeting Bliss 
One of the most significant advantages of social media advertising for small businesses is the flexibility it offers in terms of budgeting. You don't need a massive marketing budget to get started. Platforms like Facebook allow you to set daily budgets, giving you complete control over your spending. This flexibility means you can test different strategies, analyze results and refine your approach without breaking the bank.

Choosing the Right Platform
Each social media platform has its unique strengths, and understanding them is crucial for a successful advertising campaign. Facebook is the go-to for a wide audience, Instagram is perfect for visually appealing content, and LinkedIn is ideal for B2B marketing. By tailoring your strategy to the platform's strengths, you can maximize the impact of your ads.

The Power of Analytics 
I’m a numbers guy and the beauty of social media advertising is that it's not a shot in the dark. Every campaign provides valuable data and insights. Dive into the analytics to understand what's working and what needs adjustment. Track metrics like engagement, click-through rates, and conversion rates to refine your strategy continuously. This data-driven approach ensures that your advertising efforts are not just effective but also optimized for success.

A Prelude to Google 
While Google is undeniably a powerhouse for online advertising, social media platforms offer a fantastic starting point for small businesses. The ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and audience targeting capabilities make social media the ideal playground to refine your advertising skills before venturing into the competitive world of Google Ads. Establishing a strong social media presence lays the groundwork for a seamless transition to other platforms.

Congratulations! You've just completed your crash course in social media advertising for small businesses. The world of digital marketing is at your fingertips, and with the right strategies, your business can thrive online. So, what's next? Ready to take your brand to new heights? Contact us for a personalized proposal that will kickstart your journey to social media advertising success. Let's make your business the talk of the digital town!

Need help with your social media advertising? Contact us today for a consultation.

KEEP IT LOCAL: A Comprehensive Guide to Local SEO for Small Businesses

In our era’s crazy digital landscape, small businesses often struggle to stand out amidst the competition. However, with the right approach to Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO), your small business can thrive in the local market. This mini guide will walk you through the essential tips and strategies to enhance your local search visibility and attract more customers to your doorstep.

Local SEO is the fine art of optimizing your online presence to increase visibility in local search results. When potential customers search for products or services in their area, search engines like Google aim to deliver the most relevant and geographically targeted results. By mastering Local SEO, you can ensure that your small business appears prominently in these local searches. Okay, ready to step the beat of Local SEO? Let’s go…

Claim and Optimize Your Google Business Listing: Start by claiming your Google Business listing, a crucial step for local search success (We can assist with this if you’re lost). Ensure that your business details, such as name, address, phone number and business hours are accurate. (Be sure to update hours whenever they change!) Add high-quality photos, a compelling business description and select relevant categories to improve your GoogBiz profile's completeness.

Localized Keyword Research: Identify keywords relevant to your business and location. Incorporate these localized keywords naturally into your website content, meta descriptions and headers. Think about what your potential customers might search for when looking for products or services in your business’s industry in your area.

Consistent & Cohesive Information Across All Digital Platforms: Maintain consistency in your business's name, description, address and phone number across all online directories, including your website, social media profiles and industry-specific platforms. Consistent and cohesive information builds trust with search engines and enhances your local search ranking.

Online Reviews Matter: Encourage your satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp and other industry-specific review sites. Make sure you respond promptly to both positive and negative reviews, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction. Positive reviews can significantly influence local search rankings.

Mobile Optimization: A significant portion of local searches happens on mobile devices so it’s essential to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and provides a seamless user experience for visitors on smartphones and tablets. Mobile optimization is a key factor in local search ranking algorithms.

Local Link Building: Build a network of high-quality local backlinks by partnering with other businesses in your community, participating in local events and getting featured in local news outlets (hello - remember press releases?). Local link building establishes your business as a credible and authoritative source in the community.

Create Location-Specific Content: I always say, “Content is Queen!” Craft content that is tailored to your local audience. This could include blog posts, guides or videos that highlight your community involvement, local events or special promotions. Location-specific content not only engages your audience but also signals to search engines that your business is relevant to the local community. And ALWAYS tag your collaborators!

By implementing these Local SEO strategies, your small business can enhance its local search visibility, attract more customers and outshine competitors. Stay consistent, adapt to changing algorithms and watch your business flourish in the digital age!

Need help with your Local SEO updates? Contact us today for a consultation.

AD’VANCING WITH GOOGLE: Unlocking the Power of Google Ads for Small Business Success

In the vast landscape of online advertising, Google Ads stands as a beacon for businesses seeking visibility and growth. As a small business owner, the prospect may seem daunting but, fear not, your experts at Pioneer are here to guide you through the strategic steps of creating and optimizing Google Ads campaigns, even if you're tech-averse or on a tight budget.

How does a business owner navigate the Google Ads Landscape? When we start a Google Campaign for a client it always begins with relevant keywords for your business. Keywords are the currency of online visibility. We'll show you how to select and implement cost-effective keywords, ensuring your ads are visible to the right audience without draining your advertising dollars.

And then there’s the budget. Yes, you have to have a well-planned budget for Google Ads but testing the waters with a small, focused investment is a great way to launch your campaign without overspending. We'll guide you through setting realistic budgets and optimizing for efficient returns. If you’re really racked with fear, social media ads could be a great option… You can have a budget as low as $10/day and still see results.

Next is your ad copy which is your business's voice online. We’ll pitch compelling, concise copy that not only attracts attention but also converts clicks into customers. It's not about flashy slogans; it's about meaningful engagement. And always, options are presented and a collaboration is achieved… It’s your business’ voice after all.

We also offer optimization of your campaign as an ongoing process. A/B testing is our way to refine your strategies, ensuring your ads evolve based on data-driven insights. Continuous improvement is the key to sustainable success. If an ad isn’t working, we fix it or change directions.

Conversion Tracking and ROI are so important to our service. We aim to understand the customer’s journey and track conversions to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. We deliver detailed monthly reports for your ads and meet with you to interpret conversion tracking so we can make informed decisions moving forward.

And then once we’ve established a strong foundation, it's time to scale. We’ll explore strategies to expand your digital presence, reach new audiences and capitalize on the full potential of Google Ads for your business.

Your business’s success is our #1 priority. Our Google Ads service for small businesses is all about turning clicks into customers and making your online presence pop! We're not just about ads; we're about boosting your business mojo. Let's team up, have some digital fun and watch your success skyrocket in the blink of a click!

Contact us today for a consultation so see if Google Ads are for you.

INBOX INDEED: A Small Business Guide to Email Marketing

The Holidays are pretty much here and it’s time to connect with your customers and promote all the fun 4th Quarter activities. Email marketing is still a top source of communication for small businesses and in this mini guide, we'll show you how to create successful email marketing campaigns. By the end of this journey, you'll be armed with the knowledge to wield email marketing as your superpower in customer connection.

The Power of Email Marketing

In a world filled with marketing channels, why does email marketing stand out for small businesses? Let's explore the key reasons:

  • Direct Access to Your Audience:
    Email marketing allows you to reach your customers directly in their inbox, a personal space. When someone opts into your email list, they are inviting you to connect with them on a regular basis.

  • Cost-Effective and High ROI:
    For small businesses with limited budgets, email marketing is a cost-effective solution. According to the Data & Marketing Association, the average ROI for email marketing is $42 for every $1 spent. That's a significant return on investment.

  • Builds Trust and Loyalty:
    Through consistent and valuable email communication, you can build trust with your audience. Trust is the foundation of customer loyalty and email marketing is a potent tool for establishing and maintaining it.

  • Segmentation for Personalization:
    Email marketing allows you to segment your email list based on customer preferences, behavior and demographics. This enables you to send personalized content, which is more engaging and relevant.

Effective Email Marketing: Best Practices

Now that we've highlighted why email marketing is essential for small businesses, let's delve into the best practices to make the most of it:

  • Build and Grow Your Email List:
    Your email list is your most valuable asset. Ensure you have compelling sign-up forms on your website and in-store. Offer incentives like discounts, e-books, or exclusive content to entice sign-ups.

  • Segment Your List for Personalization:
    Segment your list based on criteria like purchase history, location and interests. This allows you to send targeted, personalized messages to different groups within your audience.

  • Create Engaging Content:
    Craft emails with engaging subject lines, visually appealing designs and content that offers value to your subscribers. Whether it's educational articles, promotions or updates, make sure it resonates with your audience.

  • Mobile Optimization:
    With the majority of email opens happening on mobile devices, it's crucial to ensure your emails are mobile-friendly. Use responsive design and test on various devices to guarantee a seamless experience.

  • Timing is Everything:
    Experiment with the timing of your email sends. Use A/B testing to discover when your audience is most receptive and adjust your schedule accordingly. P.S. Avoid Mondays and Fridays… You’ll just get lost in the shuffle

  • Compelling Calls to Action (CTAs):
    Include clear and enticing CTAs in your emails. Whether it's encouraging a purchase, sign-up or social media engagement, guide your subscribers towards the action you want them to take.

  • Measure and Analyze Results:
    Track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates. Use this data to refine your email strategy continuously.

  • Compliance and Respect:
    Always comply with regulations such as the CAN-SPAM Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Respect your subscribers' preferences, including their choice to unsubscribe.

Email marketing is the small business owner's powerful tool for connecting with customers. It's cost-effective, builds trust and offers unparalleled personalization. By following best practices and learning from success stories, you can harness the magic of email marketing to propel your business to new heights.

With email marketing, you have the ability to forge lasting connections and ensure your small business stands out in the digital landscape. So, what are you waiting for? Unleash your email marketing superpower and connect with your customers like never before.

Here’s to your email marketing success! Contact us today for a consultation.

(Xmas in July) Unwrap your Holiday Success

LET’S UNWRAP YOUR SUCCESS: Digitally Preparing Your Small Business for the Busy Holiday Season

While visions of sugarplums may not be dancing in your head just yet, it's never too early to start planning for the holiday season. And what better time to get a head start than Christmas in July? Let us guide you through the merry world of digital marketing and help you prepare for the bustling holiday months ahead. So grab your virtual Santa hats and let's sleigh this!

'TIS THE SEASON FOR E-COMMERCE: In today's digital age, e-commerce is the gift that keeps on giving. To ensure your online store shines brighter than Rudolph's red nose, make sure you optimize your website for mobile devices, improve loading times and streamline the checkout process. Think about your holiday deals, creating enticing gift guides and leveraging social media to spread the cheer. 'Tis the season to jingle all the way to Black Friday!

DECORATE THE HALLS: For those with brick-and-mortar stores, creating a festive shopping experience is key to attracting customers. In addition to your holiday decor, consider offering special promotions, host in-store events and launch limited-edition holiday products to entice shoppers. And remember to ramp up your social media campaigns during the season.

SOCIAL MEDIA SLEIGH RIDE: Speaking of social media, Santa Claus is coming to your feed! To connect with your audience during the holiday season, leverage the power of social media. Craft engaging content such as gift guides, holiday recipes and festive how-tos. Encourage user-generated content by running holiday-themed contests and giveaways and pick a charity to support. And don't forget to spread joy by sharing heartwarming stories and embracing the holiday spirit across all your social media platforms!

'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE OPTIMIZATION: While Santa's making his list and checking it twice, it's time for you to optimize your website and content for holiday keywords. Research popular search terms like "Christmas gifts," "holiday deals," and "best stocking stuffers" to tailor your SEO strategy. Craft captivating blog posts, Holiday graphics and product descriptions that are keyword-rich and showcase your holiday offerings. With the right optimization your small business will be rockin' around the search results!

FA-LA-LA EMAIL MARKETING: Don't leave email marketing out in the cold this holiday season. Create eye-catching email campaigns with fun subject lines and offers to entice your customers to CLICK. Personalize your emails, segment your audience and use automation to ensure your messages reach the right people at the right time. And remember, a well-crafted email can be the perfect way to wrap up those last-minute sales before Santa arrives! Promote those Gift Cards.

With Christmas in July serving as your digital marketing compass, your business will be dashing through the holiday season with confidence. Whether you're an e-commerce entrepreneur or a retail rockstar, embracing the power of digital marketing will help you make this holiday season your most successful yet. So start spreading the holiday cheer, put on your digital elf hats and get ready for a season filled success and plenty of ho-ho-ho-liday sales!

Keywords: Holiday, Christmas, ChristmasinJuly, digitalmarketing, socialmedia, emailmarketing, SEO

Pioneer Forges New Territories

Hello from Pioneer! We’re a trailblazing agency that is more than just a marketing firm, it's a way of being. Let’s dive in!

First things first, what sets us apart from the competition? It's our passion for results-driven marketing. We know that a gorgeous website or a witty tagline isn't enough to make an impact. That's why we focus on measurable outcomes, such as increased website traffic, higher conversion rates and better customer engagement.

But what really makes us shine is our team. Chris Bick and Co. work tirelessly to craft custom marketing solutions that meet each client's unique needs and budget. From social media management to email marketing campaigns, we have the expertise to help your small business succeed.

Now, let’s talk about the fun stuff. Pioneer is based in NY’s beautiful Hudson Valley which means we’re surrounded by picturesque landscapes and some of the best hiking trails in the country. The beauty of nature inspires us to give you our freshest take on marketing solutions.  

So if you're looking for a marketing agency that's more than just a service provider, look no further than Pioneer in Kingston, NY. We’re passionate, results-driven and a whole lot of fun. 

Contact us today for a consultation.

I've got the Magic RE-touch

I am so grateful that ever since the pandemic hit, that I’ve been busy with freelance work. Marketing, Social Media, Web development and Photo Retouching.

I’ve been retouching in Photoshop for over 15 years now and am 100% self-taught. Aside from watching YouTube tutorials, I’ve never once taken a single “official” class. I started back in my Fred Flare days knocking out backgrounds and whitening model’s teeth for the website.

Well, I’ve come a long way baby… I thought I would share some of my recent successes with you. Initally, I didn’t think I could do it, but with some persistence and perseverance, I made it work.

Check out the before and after wonders…

FIREPLACE: I lit up the wall sconce and added a fire in the fireplace.

KITCHEN: I removed the clutter in the background and the box at the door.

LIVING ROOM: Brightened it up, removed the finger in the upper right and also removed the door hinge.

If you need any photo retouching, please drop me a line. I’d be happy to give you a quote.

Sweet Sue's
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Dreams came true for me in an otherwise crazy time. I got to create Sweet Sue’s new website and their first ever “official” Facebook page? After being closed for the Covid-19 pandemic, Sue Taylor, the founder, decided to reopen for Take Out and wanted some help. I was thrilled that I got the gig.

Since started her business in 1984 and being famous for the most delicious pancakes that are as big as your head, Sue really didn’t ever have to market her business… It was all just word of mouth. But now we live in different times. Small businesses need a digital footprint to remain relevant and communicate with their fans/customers.

So, she wanted a simple, one page website that communicated the new Take Out policies in addition to her reduced menu. I used a GoDaddy platform site builder to keep her costs down. And the second I made her Facebook page, it was like the flood gates opened with eager fans ready to feast.

Who knows how this pandemic will playout, but I’m happy that my Pancake Dreams got to come true! Bon appetit.

Click here to view the project gallery.

The day Sweet Sue’s reopened… 6/27/20

Let's Grow Your Business
chris bick pioneer marketing.jpg

Hi, my name is Chris Bick and I wanna be your new marketing guy. My mission is to help small Hudson Valley businesses make and save lots of money! And in this post-Covid 19 landscape, this is an even more sacred task for me.

MY SKILLS: I can manage your social media accounts. I can launch or revitalize your website (utilizing GoDaddy, SquareSpace, Wix or Shopify e-commerce templates) and can design and implement your email marketing campaigns. I can help rethink and re-energize your business both online and on-site. I work hard and never give up. And with over 17 five-star reviews, you know you're getting great service with Pioneer.

Message me today for a free consult and we can review your business goals and budget!

An Interview with Dave Pillard
Dave Pillard of Tender Land Home

Dave Pillard of Tender Land Home

Dave Pillard from Phoenicia’s very own Tender Land Home is a true Catskills visionary - selling amazing home and gift items long before the Brooklyn hipsters descended upon our quaint little community. Dave’s boutique has a gift for every occasion and he pretty much knows everything there is to know about Phoenicia and the Catskills. I’m happy to call him a good friend and my very first marketing client. Okay, let’s meet Dave...

What first brought you to the Catskills?
A friend. The singer Leslie Ritter, is a good friend of my former partner. We used to get away for weekends to see Les and hang out in the Catskills.

What inspired you to open Tender Land Home?
Like so many people who want to live full time in the Catskills I was looking for a job that could support me here. My then partner Bill Forbes had The Tender Land so when a space became available on Main Street in Phoenicia we figured let's open another store!

Tell us what the name means?
The name is based on Bill's favorite opera, The Tender Land by Aaron Copland. It's an appropriate name for the beautiful Catskill Mountains.

What are some of your top sellers?
Top sellers are jewelry, candles, kids merchandise and rugs.

How has the digital age affected your business?
The digital age has made it easier for people to purchase larger items online. I used to sell a lot more furniture. But now people can order sofas, chairs and tables online and have them delivered to their home. I adjusted to this by adding smaller, more unique items that can fit in the environment of a Catskills cabin or a Manhattan apartment.

How have you seen Phoenicia change over the years?
It's like the old saying that is something to the effect "everything is different and everything is the same." Phoenicia is still a really special place where everyone fits in. There's no pretense here - no struggle to live up to some kind of reputation. That is really great. And what's also really new and great is that a younger generation has discovered the beauty and charm of the Catskills and sings it praises.

When you’re not selling the best gifts ever, what do you do for fun?
For fun I like to work out - gym, swim, ride my bike, walk on the reservoir. My partner Robert Hessler and I love to binge watch series on Netflix or HBO - especially in winter (I'm also an admitted Real Housewives of New York and New Jersey junkie). I also love yard work - it's sort of a zen thing for me.

What are some of your fave places to grab a bite in the area?
We are blessed with great places to eat here! The burger and fries at Peekamoose are the bomb! Nobody does it better!! One slice of the chicken alfredo pizza at Brio's is a lunch in itself and I really dig their grilled cheddar cheese sandwich with apple and bacon. YUM! Sweet Sue's pancakes are still the best in the world!!!! Robin's homemade fudge at The Nest Egg is such a sinful treat. And I always love going to see Margaret at the Phoenicia Deli because she's so wonderful and also makes a wonderful sandwich. I could go on and on and on about the food around here!! LOL!!!

Do you have any advice or someone wanting to start their own business in the Phoenicia area?
Make your business plan and then throw it out the window!! The Catskills is such a quirky business environment that no matter what you plan for you're going to be thrown lots of curve balls that you didn't see coming. Doing business around here is like going for a roller coaster ride - you have to hold on tenaciously through the ups and downs. Put aside more money than you think you're going to need to get started (because guaranteed you'll need it) and in a few years you'll see the fruits of your labor.

Okay Dave… Time for the SPEED ROUND:
Fave Color: Blue
Fave Food: French Fries
Fave Book: Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
Fave Song: “Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd
Fave Movie: A tie between The Wizard of Oz and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (but there's also Blade Runner and most of Stanley Kubrick's movies too.... Oh well)

Visit Dave at Tender Land Home, 64 Main St, Phoenicia, NY 12464

Cream of the Crop

Chris Bick's Picks: The Best of Ulster County, Vol 1


Sweet Sue’s: 49 Main St, Phoenicia, NY 12464. Their hours might be early for those who like to sleep in on the weekends (Breakfast/Brunch only: Fri - Mon, 8am-1pm) but the food SERIOUSLY is well worth the early alarm call, trust me. Pancakes as big as your head crafted with Sue's secret recipe… 'Nuff said!



Hot Spot Yoga: 218 Plaza Rd, Kingston, NY 12401. Tucked in the elbow of the Kingston Plaza, this haven of heat (A Bikram Yoga series in a steamy 105° room) has been my ultimate savior for the past few years. Don’t miss their Black Light Class on Black Friday.



Uptown Coffee: 288 Wall St, Kingston, NY 12401. Truly the best chocolate chip cookies in the universe. I'm Cookie Monster so I know. Soft, warm and chocked full of melted chocolate chips. I could just go on and on... Oh, and I'm totally addicted to their coffee and relaxed vibe too!



Sacred Traditions Healing: 530 High Meadow Dr, Kerhonkson, NY 12446. Owners Tammi Price and Steeven Lall Price have created a gorgeous haven of healing and tranquility. Steeven’s “bone setter” massages are incredible and NOT for the faint of heart. Mind, body and spirit healing.



Tender Land Home: 64 Main St, Phoenicia, NY 12464. Store owner Dave Pillard is one of the sweetest, kindest and hottest guys you’ll ever meet. He’s stocked his store with great gifts, accessories and home decor items for every occasion. And if you want to know anything about the Catskills, just ask Dave… He knows!



Bluestone Basecamp: 4170 US-9W, Saugerties, NY 12477. Mark Dunbrack and Ryan Jennings have created this chic yet casual Bed and Breakfast in a beautifully restored brick manor. Downtown NYC LGBTQ performer Justin Vivian Bond is a besties of the guys and and frequent guest star at the basecamp.



Half Moon Books: 35 N Front St, Kingston, NY 12401. Need a book outlining the feminist philosophy of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Just ask store owner Jessica DuPont… I’m sure it’s on her shelves! And who the heck does those amazing window displays?!?



Antique Barn at Water Street Market: 10 Main St # 501, New Paltz, NY 12561. Where else can you get lost in the various vintage worlds of the past and wind up with a box full of classic mid-century Christmas ornaments, a light up globe lamp and a mushroom yard sculpture... All before 11am?



Woodstock Playhouse: 103 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock, NY 12498
I think it’s amazing that we can live this far out in the country and still have such talented performers entertain us with incredible Broadway standards. When I saw Spring Awakening there, it changed my life... Forever!



Old Dutch Church: 272 Wall St, Kingston, NY 12401. I love this place. The history, the architecture, the steeple, the catacombs, the gravestones… They’re all symbolic of the rich history we have here in Ulster County. I also love the spooky stories they tell in the graveyard at Halloween time. A total treasure.


ABOUT ME: Hi, I’m Chris Bick, the owner of Pioneer Agency in Kingston, NY. Hope you enjoyed my list. I do marketing, social media, web development, retail window display installations and architectural drafting. I know, it’s a wide array of services but I love the variety. I owned a successful online store in NYC for over 15 years but wanted something more… A quieter life surrounded by nature and authenticity. Hence Ulster County. Now I live in Mt Tremper with my 2 cats Charlie and Vern and I thoroughly enjoy using my marketing experience to help small Hudson Valley businesses fulfill their dreams. You can catch me this fall playing the Subway Ghost at The Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck's adaptation of Ghost The Musical.