Pioneer Agency

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I first met Karen from Bop to Tottom back in 2015 to talk about an e-commerce website for her Kingston NY shop. It wasn’t the right time but when the Covid 19 pandemic hit in early 2020 Karen decided it was time to take the plunge and make her beloved Bop to Tottom boutique an online / e-commerce destination.

I chose to pitch the Shopify e-commerce platform. I love their responsive product and their customer service is excellent. I was able to foster a good deal for a year account so we forged ahead.

My goal was deliver a neat and polished site. Classy, professional and easy to navigate but also ring true to her brand. I accomplished this with a fun and engaging homepage. You can learn about the 20 yr old shop but also add items to cart right away (why wait). A clear and focused About page with lots of photos is very important to me. Also a useful and well written FAQ page and Policy and Procedure pages are a must in my book.

Give it a spin and let me know that you think.